a very sad day for me....

I accidentally dropped my handphone today, and to my horror, it wouldn't switch on....

dear Handphone,

I enjoyed some good times with you,
always giving me solid and reliable service,
being there whenever i need you.
You've entertained with your games, whenever I felt boring,
You've kept me busy by receiving messages whenever I felt lonely,
and you've waked me up every morning with your alarm clock.

When my friends bought one of your siblings,
i kept loyal with you,
knowing you'll always be loyal with me,
You don't have a camera, an mp3 player, or even gprs,
but you will always be special to me.

We've gone through a lot together in these few years,
you were there when I took my SPM,
you were there when I went to Korea and Pangkor,
and you were there the day I got 10a's,
and told mum and dad the happy news,

I know everything good must come to an end,
I just hoped you could've be with me in France....

3 years since we've met, and today i say goodbye.

May you rest in Peace


okay, forget this romantic stuff, I need a bloody new handphone!! I was hoping to use my untouched SPM money to buy a good sony camera, now i have to use it to buy a handphone, don't think I'll spend over RM 500.

That Motorola L7 looks nice.


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