France and it's higher education system

The JPA France Engineering programme is quite complicated in many ways. It's a government to government programme that will start with a 3 months language course in INTEC, uitm.

After that, it'll be a 21 months course in France that will continue the teaching of the language and also the core subjects such as maths, physic, chemistry. Then, hopefully depending on the student's marks it will be 5 years in Grande ecoles.

What's interesting about France is that it's the only country in the world to have a dual system for it's higher education system;
normal Universités and these Grandes Ecoles,

Grandes Ecoles is said to be more prestigious and in the same bracket as oxbridge and the ivy leagues in the us. It accounts for only 5% of all students, but receives 30% of the national university budget. The graduates from Grande ecoles are considered to be elitist.

If I'm able to graduate from these
Grandes Ecoles, I will be accredited with a diplome d'engenieur, which is, if I'm not mistaken equialvent to a degree plus masters combined.

So, that is it then. The next 7 years in France (insyaAllah)... Wish me luck, everyone and please doa for my success!

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