I'm back home for the weekend. It's really great to come back and finally see your family again. I do miss them a lot.
Well, it's been 3 weeks in INTEC (but it feels like a year) and so far I'm loving every minute of it. In the first week, we had MMS (Minggu Mesra Siswa) at the collage, an orientation week which was surprisingly enjoyable.
the next week onwards, we started class in INTEC . The french programme is the smallest amongst others, 27 people to be exact for this year's batch. We are divided into two classes, Paris and Poitiers, I'm in Poitiers.
One of the things i realized during these few weeks, is that I'm no longer a big fish in a small pond. From being the only straight-a student in my school to being in a class of creme de la creme... It's a bit of culture shock to be honest. Everyone in my class is 9a's above but are a bunch of really good people and interesting characters. Every second with them has been an enjoyable moment.
What's dascinating is that you have a group of smart people from all over Malaysia, from Kelantan, Sabah, Sarawak, Terrenganu, Johor, Kedah, some are from top schools like TKC and MC, all united under one programme to study in France.. and because our batch is small, we have become sort-of-like a family. Mind you, we'll be together for the next 7 years in a foreign country, so they are family whether you like it or not.
InsyaAllah, we'll get to fly on first of october, 10 days before raya and witness a brand new chapter in our lives...
of course, that is if we all pass the interview...